Our Bakery supplies all the neighbouring villages with freshly baked potato bread, thanks to our terrific team.
The Fungom Farms , produce about 25 tons of potatoes every year and buy more from the villagers, one of the farm hands, Tchinda stated.
Fungom Farms based in Mekaf village, covering 25 villages does not only farm potatoes, but also vegetables, maize, groundnuts, soya bean, palms, cassava.
The farm sustains 370 families, 80 contributors, supplies five villages, and many customers.
With the ongoing crisis in the Northwest and Southwest regions, the idea of a cooperative has been a survival strategy as people could not go to their farms individually.

Key Benefits of the Service
- Potato bread has a texture similar to traditional bread, but it's made with a combination of wheat flour and potato flour. Certain potato bread recipes might be made with mashed potatoes or dehydrated potato flakes. A slice of potato bread contains 85 calories, 1 gram of fat and trace amounts of calcium, iron and potassium. Potato bread supplies significant doses of folate and vitamin E as well.
- Fiber
- Folate
- Vitamin E